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We say that as long as the Govt sends an employer we men can work for ourselves.  We want the Govt to help us to become self supporting.  We want our children educated.  Some are now being educated away from the Res. & some men already have learned trades.  These men can open shops for themselves & we can employ them, & pay them for their work.  This is the only way we can learn self support.  We can learn much faster by striving for ourselves, than in any other manner.  This is the way the White people do.  Each man struggles for himself & his family & owns his property.   

The Govt does not deal in that way with us.  Even the implements sent here are given to the whole Tribe & but a few use them & no one takes care of them for each one says, they are not mine.  We do not wish this done any more.  It makes strife & is not good for the people.  We wish to buy our own implements & that we may be able to do & we would like the money due the tribe paid to the people pro rata.  The money that we have is eaten up fast by the officials.  They may try to do right but they do not satisfy us.  They do not tell us of the money expended, they do not tell us what is paid for articles bought, & we are kept in ignorance of our money affairs.  All the people are not of one mind as to what is needed to be bought.  Some think one implement needed more than another.  One man prefers one make to another make of the same kind of implement.  And it would be better if each farm could select & buy his own implements.  He would learn more & in [[?]] faster if he acted