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                               Omaha and Winnebago
                                       July 17    3
Hon. H. Price.
Commt. of Indian Affairs
  I have the honor to submit herewith for your approval my decision in the case of Antoine Cabana, a greater breed, son of Mary Barada, a half-breed, and Francis Cabana, a white man and trader connected with the "American Fur Company."  Antoine Cabana was born at Ft. Calhoun and is now 52 years of age, 24 years ago he married Annie Reaves a white woman in St. Louis, Mo. by whom he has 4 children.  Thomas 21, Mary 19, Francis 17, and Reuben 7 years old.  
   Antoine Cabana has never lived permanently on the Omaha Reserve, but has been backward and forward, at one time working at the Agency