Viewing page 104 of 170

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[[preprinted]] 101 [[/preprinted]]

349  Ha.da.mon.thiss  Ed. Esau. [[In sta sunda ?]].
W. Me ta ne          Man' thin Kagaha.

340  Me-gthe-la'-cie [[checkmark]]

106  Ne-da-we. [[checkmark]]

107  Um.Va tha gue [[checkmark]]

109  Ga-ge-gthae-the [[checkmark]]

102  The [[checkmark]]


32  Wa-shis Ka   Jesse Dixon    Man thin Ka-ga he.
W. Me ma che ha the     In sla sumda.


459  Ah.hin.snae.dae.    Spafford Woodhull. ^[[insert]] taepa a taze [[/insert]] [[Thatofa?]]  W. Me. gthe ta in    [[ Inslo Lunda.?]]

784  Ma.she.ha.the

787  Mun gthe hta

786 We - hae- tun-ga

785 gthe hae

466  Na zhe - mon ne.


43 hae.     Solomon Blackbird/ Man thin kagobe
W. Wae ton ha       Thatada