Viewing page 121 of 170

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[[preprinted]] 118 [[/preprinted]]

75 Wa-ba-he-zin-ga. Bernard Gilpin  Kanse
   W. Tan in-ge-na.                Man thin ka ga he.

299 Sha-gae-zin-ga.  Milton Levering.  Tapa.
    W. Ta in grae-hae.                 Thatoda

207 Ta-hae-zun-ka.  Wm. Tyndall.   Nyinste
    W. Mary                        Man thin ka go he.

304 Christopher

301 Theresa

302 Amelia

303 Madeline

 39 Me um-ba-the  Lucy Papau  Thatoda

612 Albert

611 Susan.

615 Eugene Papau               Thatoda
    W. Dora Bush               Tapa

749 Mary Jane Paul.            Instaesunda

Transcription Notes:
All names and tribes are best guess. For readability [[?]] notation was left out intentionally since almost entire page would have to be marked in that manner. NOTE FOR MANY PAGES: One tribe/band name that has been transcribed inconsistently depending on how it looked on any given page is undoubtedly one tribe but I've been unable to find any reference name online. Nyimsti, Nejinsto, Wejinsto, Wefinste, Nejmsto, Nejinste, Nyinste. These variations, and maybe more, are all reflective of name in entry 207 on this page.