Viewing page 157 of 170

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[[preprinted]] 154 [[/preprinted]]

 58 Wah-ooh-tah-nah ra  John Forney  Tesinde

    Dan ah ma                    Thatida Kaesi

228 Me-ah-con-da.

114 Mah-zhah-ke-da. Silas Leamuix  Kause.

    Ah sae hu bae                  Inkaesabba.

872 Ga he ghei-ga.

268  Wah-bah dun-da.  David Brown Wejinste  

118  Leehah  Roland Clark         Instasunda.

     Pon ca sau                   Tapa

326  Ta in gu-hae.

329  Ke-ma ha.

269  Ou ha. mon ne.  Phil. Watson.  Instasunda

232  Tae wa on       (mo)           Inkae sabba.

 69 In sta-nuz ze.  John Brown      Wejinste
    Ta sa ba ne.   born after allotment

120 Ke-na-ha.                   Insta sunda.

    Ghae pae ah. ha.            Man thin Kagahe.

175 Ponca sa  Fox. (dau. no. 680.)

Transcription Notes:
All Indian names and tribes are best guess. For readability [[?]] notation was left out intentionally since almost entire page would have to be marked in that manner.