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[[preprinted]] Refer in reply to the following: ^[[L]] 

Department of the Interior,
Washington, ^[[Sept. 17]], 188^[[7.]] [[/preprinted]]

Miss Alice C. Fletcher,
U.S. Special Agent,
Winnebago, Nebraska.

Miss Alice Fletcher,
US Special Agent,
Winnebago, Nebraska,

Referring to your communication, dated August 20, 1887, I transmit herewith, for your information, copy of the opinion of the Assistant Attorney General upon certain questions submitted by you.

From this opinion it would seem that the lands must be allotted under the Act of February 8, 1887, [[underlined]] de novo [[/underlined]] so that the title heretofore given will be merged in that conveyed under the recent act.

Both the land patented and that

Transcription Notes:
de novo — starting from the beginning; anew.