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arrangements for washing, or provisions for an adequate supply of water.  For the lack of these necessities several children must be bathed in the same water.  Hardly a civilized method.  Wooden tubs should never be used for Indian children, who are all very susceptible to skin diseases.  The Indians complain that their healthy children contract disease from the lack of proper facilities for washing.  One Omaha father, not an hour since, told me he could not send his boys to the school on this account.  This Industrial school is the only one among the Omahas where boys are received: and this father said he must do as well as he could until his sons were old enough to be sent away.

I am well aware of the difficulties which hedge the Department, but this over crowded school, from which many children were turned away last year because of absolute inability to receive them, surely needs reconstruction.  There is much I could detail of the inadequate quarters for the employees, and the facilities for work, but I do not wish to intrude upon you valuable time.  I beg, however, to urge the consideration of a new building using the old as a wing:

with respect.

[[signature]] Alice C. Fletcher. [[/signature]]