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Neb. Oct. 3   8
Dear Gen. Homan:
I have just learned that some strange misapprehensions concerning the petition of the Omahas living in Dakota County to be organized into a precinct arose when the matter came up before the County Commissioners.  It seems to be thought that this petition is of recent date, that it is connected in some way with the petition to have a voting precinct established at this Agency, and that if the Omaha precinct was granted all the Omahas would vote there & not in their respective Counties.
   I am greatly surprised at this misconception.  The Omaha petition started last January and was signed before the 10 of February.  I left for Washington before all the signatures were on, or it would have been at that time transmitted to the County Commissioners.  At that [[time?]] every name in it represented a voter living in Dakota Co.  The reason for asking for this precinct was that the Omahas might have machinery of the law in their [[?]]
Have their own constables, & sheriff, and pay the expenses