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Neb. Oct.26   7

Hon. Commissioner Indian Affairs


I have the honor to transmit by today's mail, 4 tables containing the name of Wisconsin Winnebagos who received patents for lands in this reservation, also a  description of this land, and a statement concerning the patents, whether in hand or elsewhere.

Table I contains the names of those not on the reservation and giving there Post Office as given me by Indians here. 

Table II contains the names of those concerning whom I cannot trace in any way.

Table III contains the names of those who are here & a statement of their wishes concerning the land, so far as they have decided upon it.

Table IV, contains the names of those [[?]] are dead, & a statement of their heirs living here. 
In the column under Remarks I have mentioned whether the patent is [[here or]] where it is so far as I can learn.  I have [[had consultations]] with Indians who remember clearly [[the]] patenting to these Indians and the result is on these tables.  There are many patents belonging to the allotment of 1872, that [[are]] in Wisconsin [[? elsewhere]], but I am not able yet to furnish [[a]] table of these [[patents.]]  The outdoor work is demanding all my time [[just]] now.

[[Very]] Respectfully

[[signature]] Alice C. Fletcher [[/signature]]
Special Ind Agt.