Viewing page 29 of 194

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Who is.

Green cloud. 11 ys. Sristlr der Son  Under
[[strikethrough]] Lucy Shortale Ind, name [[/strikethrough]
Mrs Norm Buchanon
Sister Young Bear - married to Albert Walker
[[strikethrough]] [[Hovmaza. Kaw  Denys has or is??]] [[/strikethrough]]
Ind names Wintertails children
[[strikethrough]] Ind name [[Pawnighei?]] wife
wife John Pilke
Mary Crane, wife Frank Sunball ([[dead?]])
[[strikethrough]] Purle Thunder Small.
John Thunder.
Hatter Bro.
Thunder wife [[??]] [[/strikethrough]]
Ne ha hulta Kaw
Aunt of Blich deer's wife
Heen holict Kaw  [[strikethrough]] [[??]] [[/strikethrough]] his  [[sideways insert]] .023 [[/sideways insert]]
wife gone to Thos. Seymore yes,

[[single line]]

[[sideways note]] 125.0/ w