Viewing page 31 of 194

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Joseph Johnson Sec 23 and 24 five squares horizontal
plus two squares horizontal

Henry Johnson one section on Section 23 [[third square in next to Joseph Johnson]]

Johnson     Johnson section 24 two squares
Henry Wilson one square

Mary Wilson  [[written upside down and vertical] 4 sections in
Section 26

Ellen Wilson 4 squares in section 25

Felix Wilson 1 square section 25
Plizie[?] Nash 1 section 26

Joseph Nash 1 section south of Plizie

Albert Nash 1 section south of Joseph

Lewis A. Nash 1 section east of Plizie

Augustine Nash 1 section east of Joseph

Viola Nash 1 section east of Albert

Josephine Nash 4 sections two in section 26 and two in section 35           (Instead of Emerson 80)  

Sec. 36 in lower right, southeast corner unassigned on this page.

Transcription Notes:
page is marked in squares with names and some section numbers but is not complete on the page as seen.