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[[preprinted]] 30 [[/preprinted]]

Bad Thunder. ^ Bradford ^ Caa kaw chee she shekaw.
                               Bad Thunder.

Bad Thunder. Age 50. Parentd dead. married to Weihankaw. seperated.
married ^ noow to ^ Oc see ahkaw. ^ 40 yrs ^ daughter of Sajaehorkaw Danve from Water. half
5 children.
(135) [[strikethrough]] N.E.N.E.1/4 Sec.13.T.26.R.5.} 146.04 acres
     Lots 1 & 2 ^ & NE N.W.1/4 ^ Sec.18.T.26.R.6.   } [[/strikethrough]]
     Lots 3 & 4 & E 1/2 S.W 1/4 Sec.7.T.26 R.6.       145.66 acres
1 John Bradford. married see p.23. child of We hankaw m.

2 Ejhasskai kaw White face woman. Married Geo. Thomas. f 30 yrs.
has children see p.31  dau of Weehauska.

3 Ha'garkaw. 3d dau.  dau of Weehauska. George Bradfors. m. 25 yrs.
35) [[strikethrough]] E1/2 S.E. 1/4 Sec.12.T.26.R.5  80 acres [[/strikethrough]]
   Lot 2 & S.E.1/4 N.W 1/4 Sec.17.T.26.R.6.         72.78
4. Henukaw 1st dau. (Moroehcumkaw) mother oesee ah kaw   f  14
                     Lottie Thunder Bradford 
[[strikethrough]] Mary Bradford [[/strikethrough]] ^ B.T. ^
(35) Lot 1.Sec.7.T.26.R.6.       33.07 acres.
5 Man'nae ju'wiekai  Nee.hun kaw. Grace ^ BT. ^ Bradford   f   3 yrs
(35) N.E.1/4 N.W 1/4 Sec.7.T 26.R.6.    40 acres

John Wight & Bad Thunder same father - different mothers.

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[[preprinted]] 31 [[/preprinted]]

James Thomas ^ Logan ^ hejas wa nike-nekaw
                       Coming from Water

James Thomas. aged 40. Parents. bro to Ed Bearskin. John Logan.
           Ezhar ska kaw dead
married to white face woman. ^ dead ^ see p.30 Mary Bad Thunder  30 yrs.
2 boys. 1 girl.
(30) [[illegible]]  Old patent N.E.N.W. Sec.28 & S.E.S.W.Sec.21.T.26.R.9
    S.E.1/4 N.E.1/4 N.E.1/4 S.E.1/4 Sec.24.T.26.R.5.   160 acres
1 Wajar Manshe Kaw. Ground Indian. Henry.   m   10 yrs
(30) S.E.N.W 1/4 Sec.24.T.26.R.5.   40 acres

2 He'pee miekaw.    Annie    f    6 yrs
(30) Lor 2.Sec.19.T.26.R.6.    34.80 acres

3 Hum'banahask'kaw    Joseph   m    3 yrs,
(30) Lot 3 Sec 19.T26 R 6.    36.55 acres.

Wiehan Kaw mother of White face woman Lulu Bradford & Ha gar Kaw. seperated wife of Bear Thunder. Living with Jas. Thomas.  now married to Thunder Egg.
Thunder Egg. [[strikethrough]] [[???]] Wakangi-skae-kaw. age 55.
one daughter married to his cousin. dau. by a former wife.

(31) S.E 1/4 N.W 1.4}Sec.19.T.26.R.6. wife }
     N.E.1/4 S.W 1/4}                        160 acres
     S E 1/4 A.E.1/4 Sec.12} T.26.R.5. hus.}
     N E 1/4 N.E.1/4 Sec.13}