Viewing page 73 of 194

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[[preprinted]] 36 [[/preprinted]]

 Fish tail Lincoln  Hr linch kaw   Bear.

Fishtail. Age 43. F. dead. no br or sis. all  Hamp he wessi kaw mid.
1 br. Robt. Lincoln. 1 sis wife Little Thunder Peterson. ^ Say ^ 1/2 ^ br ^ by F.
Young Rogue. 1/2 sis Sarah Rogue.
Married to He nuck kai kaw. age. 35. F. dead. 1 br Small [[Sindle?]] Liute
no sis all. dead. no br. no sis.  wife no br or sis.

(278) Lots 1 & 2. & E.1/2 N.W 1/4 Sec. 30.T.26.R.7.   161.65 acres.

1 Wa char de Kaw. Edward Lincoln.    m  19 yrs
    Laughed at.
Mo. dead. dau. of Pott John. 
Married to John Frenchman's dau. Susan French
Cahar e me nuc kaw
(280) Lots 3 & 4 & E.1/2 S.W 1/4 Sec.18.T.26.R.7.
2, Thae char he min kaw.
 Hawh Vic.
full is above. has a child by John Butler.
   allotted see p.37
3. Ja san nae he Kaw    Charles    m   11 yrs.
full sis to above.

 (278) Lot 3 Sec.19.T.26.R.7    40.82 acres
4. He nu kaw.    Helen   f   4 yrs

(278) Lot 4. Sec.19 T.26.R.7.   40.03 acres.
5 Nehumkaw     Clara     f    3 yrs.
(278) S.E 1/4 S.W.1/4 Sec.19.T.26.R.7.     40 acres.
[[single lne across page]]
          7th dead. [[nidess?]] children  Robt Lincoln [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] & wife Little Thunder Relations
Acsee ahkaw mother of Fish tail see p.35 & 37. [[strikethrough]] [[???]] [[/strikethrough]]
[[outlined irregularly]] Day woman. [[/outlined irregularly]] 1 sis. old Mrs Rogue 
(213) W1/2 S.E.1/4 Sec. 12.T.26.%.5.  }   160 acres.
Lot 4 & S.W.1/4 N.W.1/4 Sec 4 T.26.R.9}

[[end page]]
[[Start page]]

[[preprinted]] 37 [[/preprinted]]

Robt. Lincoln.  Monakho kaw      Bear.
              bear jumps makes the dish fly

Robt Lincoln Age. 48. Father dead mo. living widow. ^ 1 full ^ bro,. ^ 1 full ^ sister. Fishtail ^ full br ^
Young Rogue. ^ 1/2 br. by F. ^  Sallie Rogue ^ 1/2 sis by F. ^ wife Little Thunder Peterson. Full sister.married to [[Ocseekaposoposo?]] kaw ^ 40 yrs ^ dau. of Hae'na Sere'tch kaw. living, mo. dead.
  4th dau. I find plump.    2d boy tallest.
1/2 sister wife, Blackhawk.
no children.    1 foster child.
(4) ^ W 1/2 & N,E,1/4 ^ S.E.1/4 Sec.2.T.25.R.5.     160 acres
S.E.1/4 N.E 1/4 Sec.5.T.26.R.9.
Certificate delivered Aug.24.1888.

1c Okawmaska. mother dead. father either Jas. Fisher or Geo.Tiebaulh
enrolled as Henukaw [[strikethrough]] Edith [[/strikethrough]]  Mary Tiebaulh.   7 yrs.

(4) S E 1/4 S.E.1/3 Sec.2.T.25.R.5     40 acres.

Mrs Sallie Fishtail [[strikethrough]] Butler [[/strikethrough]]
Shae char he mie kaw.  age 18. Father Fishtail see p.36.
divorced from John Butler who deserted her before the child was born.
1 child.

(279) Lots 1 & 2. [[strikethrough]] 1/2 E - 1/2 ^ dlet. ^ N.W 1/4 [[/strikethrough]] Sec 19 T.26.R.7. 161.92 acres.

(163) N.E 1/4 N.E 1/4 Sec.24. T.26.R.6.    40 acres.

[[solid line across page]]
Fishtail continued
[[6 or 7 or 9?]] Cowkaw.   James     m    1 yr.
(278) N.E 1/4 N.E 1/4 Sec.25.T.26.R.6.     40 acres

Transcription Notes:
[Rogue] more clear at bottom of page 1