Viewing page 74 of 194

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[[preprinted]] 38 [[/preprinted]]

Wind Walker. Wanyprohopisskaw.
              mysterious rising up.

Wind Walker.  age. 42. Parents dead. ( ^ 2 ^ sis by F wife Wide Ox,
married to. [[strikethrough]] Ocseekahoomukaw ^ 41 yrs ^ ^ [[strikethrough]] who is [[/strikethrough]] dead ^ deltd ^ [[/strikethrough]] Father ^ dead ^ [[strikethrough]] mother living with [[/strikethrough]] [[darc?]] mother
of [[strikethrough]] John Davis also mother of [[/strikethrough]] John. [[strikethrough]] [[Tinise?]] [[/strikethrough]] now married to Susan Brown see p.45.
One daughter. 2 stepsons by present wife
(33) Lot 4 & S.E. S.W 1/4 Sec. 18} T.26.R.6.   147.18 acres.
     Lot 1 & N.E. N.W 1/4 Sec. 19}
1 Manapae nimkaw. Soldier woman.  Sarah.  8 yrs.
  [[Mo?]] Bear woman. 1/2 br. [[Nillie Hittle?]]
(33) N.W. N.E. 1/4 Sec.19 T.26.R.6.   40 acres

Lucy Browne. dau. of Susan B. & ^ John Emerson ^ [[strikethrough]] Henry Brown [[/strikethrough]](dead),
(72) allotted see p. 45

William Preesh.
            Sone of Susan B. & Wm Preesh (dead)
(33) allotted see p.45.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] 39 [[/preprinted]]

Sam Elk.  Hecha wa kshep huskaw.      Eagle
            Cheap Eagle.

Sam Elk  age. 30. Father ^ dead ^  Mother wife of Man Eater. S.E. has 2 br 1 sister
Issaac White, Geo. Brown ^ No 1. ^ & sister wife of Charlie Earth.
S.Elk married to Mary Baptiste ^ dead ^ ^ 25 yrs ^ Parents dead. [[strikethrough]] Check. [[/strikethrough]] ^ no full br or sis. ^
2 children. 2 girls - different mothers.
(32) Lot 5 & S.E. SW 1/4 Sec.35.T.27.R.5}
     Lot 6 & 7.Sec.2.T.26.R.5           }143.57 acres
1 Wakaw jai peiaikaw [[Sm?]] Thunder woman ^ [[strikethrough]] Fanny [[/strikethrough]] ^ Minnie ^  mother dead ^Sougha miss kaw  Snake. F. & mother sis. dead. x cutting of snake ^
(32) Lot 8, Sec.2.T.26.R.5.  39.24 acres

2 We mukaw. 1st dau. mother dead.   Clara    3 yrs
Uncle Jake [[Holslin?]]. child enrolled with him.
(32) S.W.S.E 1/4 Sec..35.T.27.R.5.    40 acres.

Transcription Notes:
Note: believe the penciled strikethrough in page 1 paragraph re Wind Walker mean should all be deleted from first "married to" to "John [[Tinise?]]