Viewing page 99 of 194

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[[preprinted]] 88 [[/preprinted]]
George Brown Carpenter Go ona [[strikethrough]] 
   ne [[/strikethrough]] kaw. (Wolf.)
                          first boy.
George Brown.  Age.42. Father & Mother dead. 1 Bro. Chas. 
now called Henry
We la go skae. miekaw. [[insert]] star woman 
   [[/insert]] Age.42. Father living Hah ko pin 
   ekaw. [[insert]] Bear. [[/insert]]
Mother. [[insert]] Bear [[/insert]] dead.  2 
   brothers; [[insert]] one in Wis & [[/insert]] 
   No hump ge kar ae miekaw. [[insert]] 1 sister 
   [[/insert]] Chona Kae ninka.
married to Geo. Wilkinson  2 children. 1 boy 1 
(.185) E 1/2 S. W 1/4 ^ x1 ^  & W 1/2 S. E.1/4  ^ 
   x2 ^ Sec.32. T.27. R.9  160 acres 

1 Joseph Brown. [[insert]] Carpenter [[/insert]] 
   Aampua ha ska kaw
     walking [[am?]] day,.
(185) Lots 3 & 4 ^ x3 ^ Sec.32. T.27. R.9. 
  [[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] 56.69 

2 Lizzie Brown. [[insert]] Carpenter [[/insert]]  
   Henukaekaw 4th dau. 6 yrs.
 (185) S. W. N. E. 1/4 ^ x4 ^ Sec.32.T.27.R.9   

x1 old Patent reallotted.
x2 Henry Johnson unknown.
x3 Lot.4 William Decora.
x4 Samuel Kinsley.

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[preprinted]] 89 [[/preprinted]]

Grey Wolf.  Ta ne wa ne monekaw   Wolf.
            Walking with a pipe.

Grey Wolf, age 54.  Father & Mother dead. no br. 
   1 sis. Mary Harrison mo. John Harrison
wife Henuk.eneekeekaw. ^ Cane Woman. ^ (Bear.) ^ 
   age 50 ^ F. & M. dead. 3 bros. Big Winnebago 
   Jeremy Prophet
& Jos. Prophet. 1 sis. Abby Prophet. Widow - no 
no children living 5 dead. 1 step son. Geo. 
[[strikethrough]] The E 1/2 allotment patented to 
   John Walking day. (his [[Misus?] ) 
(155) [[strkethrough]] S.E.1/4 Sec.30.T.26.R.9 
   [[/strikethrough]]   160 acres
      x W 1/2 N.W 1/4 Sec.16. } T.26.R.9
        W 1/2 N.E 1/4 Sec. 17 }
x Geo. Wolfe patented  Fanny Haymaker patented.

Geo. Grey Wolf.   Wakonjar'che shickaw    Eagle.
                     Bad [[thunder?]].

Geo . Greywolf age 28. F. dead.Mother wife of 
   Greywolf. no br. or sis. all dead.
Wife. Mora [[strikethrough]] gae 
   [[/strikethrough]] chae gimkaw ^ Travels the 
   World. ^ (bear) ^ age 28 ^ Father, Bear. 
   mother living wife of Bear.
1 br. Natekaw & ^ 1 sis ^ Wehunkaw.
     Climb a hill.
3 children.
       S.W 1/4 of N.E.1/4 Sec.16. } &
       N E 1/4 & S 1/2 of         }
       N.E 1/4 Sec.23.            } T.26.R.7.
(156.) [[strikethrough]] W 1/2 S.E.1/4/E.1/2 S.W 
   1/4 Sec.26.T.26.R.8 [[/strikethrough]] 160 

1 Hunkhadekaw   James.     6 years.
    Big Chief.
     N.E.1/4 N.W 1/4 Sec.23.T.23.R.7
(156) [[strikethrough]] S.W.N.E.1/4 
   Sec.26.T.26.R.8. [[/strikethrough]] 40 acres.

2 Wakon [[strikethrough]] far [[/strikethrough]] 
   char monewiekaw  Mary    4 years.
   Walking Thunder Woman.
      S.E.1/4 N.W.1/4 Sec.23.T.26.R.7
(156) [[strikethrough]] S.E. N.W 1/4 
   Sec.26.T.26.R.8 [[/strikethrough]]   40 acres.

3 Ma khees ska winkaw   Annie.   2 years.
    White Clouds. f.
      N.W 1/4 N.W.1/4 Sec/23/T.26.R.7.
(156) [[strikethrough]] N.W. N.E.1/4 
   Sec.26.T.26.R.8. [[strikethrough]]