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[[preprinted]] 116 [[/preprinted]]

Jacob Lemon. ^ McKee ^ Ahuachuhutekaw. Eagle.
                 Big Arm full (Bear name from bear)

Jacob Lemon. Age.60.  Father dead. no br or sis. 
   Mo. dead. no br or sis
1 bro. Good old man. no sis.
married to Nookkeehamikaw ^ 50 yrs ^  ^ breaking 
   up of ice ^ (Wolf) Father,dead. mo. living. 
   widow Enuekeemenuckkaw. ^ Sitting alone ^ 
   (bear). no br. or sis. wife 1 br. Henry French 
3 sis. Chonewinkaw. ^ leaves ^  former wife Jacob 
   Lemon. one wife Portahatonue John & one wife 
   Geo. Thunder.
5 children.
(242.) Lot.2. & S 1/2 N.E 1/4 } Sec.3.T.26.R.8. 
   & N.E 1/4 S.W 1/4 }

1 Henry French fm (mother. Chonewimkaw) ^ 
   Chashepsshutelekaw Free Eagle. ^  32 yrs.
married to dau. Jos. Hail.

2 Chashepskawinkaw. mother Chonewimkaw  30 yrs.
    White Eagle Woman
married to Green Rainbow. divorced. child 
  allotted with mo. see p.114.
allotted see p.114.

3 ^ Nahaekaw ^ Joseph. McKee. ( ^ mother ^ 
   Chonewimkaw) (Blacksmith) 28 yrs.
[[strikethrough]] Chas ^ ma ^ shep ^ hoonoone ^ 
   kuwoonkaw. [[/strikethrough]]. Married ^ Anna 
   dau ^ Frank Decora. see p.67. 
  Small Eagle.
(312) Lot 4 & S.W 1/4 N.W 1/4 Sec.3.} T.26.R.8. 
   147.73 acres.
      Lot 1 & S.E.1/4 N.E.1/4 Sec 4 }

4 Howard McKee.  Charwashepinkaw ^ Eagle ^ (mo. 
   present ^ wife ^ )  26 yrs.
married to dau. Geo. White hood.
(313) Lots 2 & 3, & S.W 1/4 N.E 1/4, S.E.1/4 
   N.W.1/4 Sec.4 T.26 R.8. 146,82 acres.

5 Robt. McKee. ^ Charnashephoowinkaw. ^ Small 
   Eagle ^ ( neochonewinkaw) 26 yrs.
( [[strikethrough]] 314 [[/strikethrough]] 242) 
   S.1/2 N.E 1/4 Sec.1.T 26.R.6. 
   [[strikethrough]] 78.34 [[/strikethrough]] 80 

[[strikethrough]] Enuekeemenuckkaw [[/strikethrough]] Enukamenuckaw. Sitting alone.
widow of Old French.   Age. 87. five children 
   wife Jacob Lemon McKee
& Chonewinkaw. wife Path. John. wife Geo. Thunder 
   & Henry French Sr.
(128) N.W 1/4 Sec.34.T.26.R.7.  160 acres.

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[[preprinted]] 117 [[/preprinted]]

Henry French Jr. McKee.  Charshepshutchekaw  
Red Eagle.

Henry French McKee. Age 32. Father Jacob Lemon 
   McKee. see p.116. mo.
Chonewimkaw. 2 full brs Joseph & Robt. 1 full 
   sis. wife Green Rainbow 1/2 br. 
Howard McKee.
Married to  ( Henukaw. dau. of Jos. Hall ^ 
   divorced married Wehauka. see Jas. Smith 2. 
   see p.139 ^ ; see p.   for Parents br. & sis.)
4 children. will probably seperate. 
(174) S.E.1/4 Sec.4 T.26.R.8.  160 acres.

1 Carlos  Ahhookehinkaw.  m  14 yrs.
           Fly swiftly.
Mother wife of Green Crow.
(174) N.W 1/4 S.W 1/4 Sec.3.T.26.R.8.  40 acres.

2 Ahhoochowinkaw.  Sarah. 11 yrs.
   Blue Wing.
Mother Mary St.Cry. former wife Ed.St.Cry. ^ dau. 
   of Michel & Alex St.Cry.
now living with John Davis.
(174) S.W.1/4 S.W 1/4 Sec.3.T.26.R.8.  40 acres.

3 Henry. French McKee.   Chonekedekaw.  8 yrs.
mother dead. [[strikethrough]] F. dead. mo. 
   living Nehankaw [[/strikethrough]]. Marq 
   Nelson br in law ^ Grandmo. [[strikethrough]] 
   of [[/strikethrough]]Albert Nash. See 
(175) N.E. N.W 1/4 Sec.26.T.26.R.6.  40 acres.

4 [[strikethrough]] Nezhuhoachkawinkaw. Julia. 1 
                     Foggy             ^ dead ^
mother previous wife. Dau. Jos.Hall. 
(174 S.E 1/4 S.W 1/4 Sec.4 T.26.R.8.    
   [[/strikethrough]]  40 acres.


Chonewinkaw. Age 58 f. dead. M. 
1 br. Henry French Sr. 3 sis. 1 wife Jacob Lemon. 1 wife Pott. Indian. 1 wife Sea Thunder
Former wife Jacob Lemon for children see p.116.
(315) E 1/2 S.W 1/4 Sec.2.T.26 R.8  80 acres.