Viewing page 115 of 194

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[[preprinted]] 120 [[/preprinted]]

Henry Wolf. Hu ^ u ^ mphokeenenakaw 
   [[strikethrough]] Wolf [[/strikethrough]] 
        Hunt the day.

Henry Wolf. Age 35. Father Wm. Wolf - see p.119.
1 bro. Andrew. 2 sis Hattie & Ellen.
Married to Nakaekaw. dau. John Wakon. Wis.
no br. or sis. divorced wife married [[ooff?]] 
 gone to Wis.
1 dau.
(88) S.1/2 S.E.Sec.11} T.26.R.6.  160 acres
     N.1/2 N.E.Sec.14}

1 Chaeninkseemiekaw. Fanny.  8 yrs.
    Young Heifer
living in Wis. with her mother.
(88) N.W. N.W 1/4 Sec.13.T.26.R.6.  40 acres.

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[[preprinted]] 121 [[/preprinted]]

Andrew Wolf.  Wazaeekaeseekaw.  Buffalo.
     Running with something in his wrists.

Andrew Wolf. Age. 33.  Father Wm. Wolf. see 
1 br. Henry. see p.120.
Married to ^ Mary Mix. 31 yrs ^ Nehunkaw. 
   [[strikethrough]] dau. [[/strikethrough]] F. 
   dead. Mo. Chaehahaepemukaw. (Peegan}
Come from ground in spring.
1 br. Geo. Sun. 1 sis wife of Jos. Payer. son of 
   Alex Payer.
(89) S.1/2 N.W 1/5 & N.1/2 S.W 1/4 Sec.14.T.26.R 
   6.   160 acres.

1 Conakaw.  Robert.  5 yrs.
(89) S.E. N.E.1/4 Sec.15.T.26 R.6  40 acres.

2 Haenukaw,  Joseph.  3 yrs.
(89) N.E. S.E 1/4 Sec.15.T.26.R.6.  (dead)  40 

Mary Mix wife of Andrew Wolf has children as 

Mahaechokaw.  Grey Cloud.  [[strikethrough]] 
   [[[???} ]] [[/strikethrough]] Charles.  10 
F. same name in Wis. no relations here. on this 
   roll with Capt. - [[Muteumis?]] ^ sis. Mrs 
   Good Thunder ^ mother 
who controls him as she [[declined?]] & cure him 
   when he was sick years ago.
(89) S.E 1/4 S.E.1/4 Sex. 15.T.26.R.6.  (dead)   
   40 acres.

Kaechapemekaw.[[strikethrough]] Charles 
   [[/strikethrough]] Willie  m. 7 yrs.
F. Little Bird . in Wis. Mo. & sis here. Enrolled 
   with wife Joe Payer.
(89) S.W 1/4 S.E.1/4 Sec.32.T.27.R.6.  40 acres.

Ohaehaemacgaewiekaw.  May.  f.  6 yrs.
full sis above. enrolled with mother.
89 S.E.1/4 S.W 1/4 Sec.32.T.27 R.6.  40 acres.