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[[preprinted]] 154 [[/preprinted]]

Mrs Wehunkaw.   Elk.   Wehunkaw.

Mrs W. Elk.   age 50.   F. & M. dead. no bro or 
   sis. 1 sis wife ^[[of]] Red Legs.   
Divorced husband in Wis.
3 children.  [[written in pencil in left margin]] 

S.W. 1/4 S.E.1/4 & S. 1/2 S. W 1/4 Sec.21}
(167)  N.W. 1/4 N.E 1/4 Sec. 28. }   T.26.R.7.   
   160 acres.

1  We goous ze de kaw.             m.  35
married in Wis.

2  Young Elk   Hoo non ne kaw       25 yrs

3  He nukaw                       f.  30 yrs
married to Abel Wolf.

Ha hae monnekaw        orphan.
age 24   F dead ^[[bro of Tom Harden.]] 1 sis 
   wife of Red Legs.   
1 sis.  We ha ne kaw
[[written in pencil left margin]] allot these.

(440)  S. 1/2 N. E. 1/4 Sec 1. T. 25. R.5. 80 

We ha ne kaw  full sis above single   f.  18 yrs.

S. W. 1/4 S. W 1/4 Sec. 13}
N. W. 1/4 N. W 1/4 Sec  24} T.26.R.5.   80 acres.

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[[begin page]]

[[preprinted]] 155 [[/preprinted]]

William Buchannon. No zhin kaw Wolf. 
                   Thunder Strike Trees

William Buchannon Age 45  Full bro of Jas. & Louis Buchannon.  see p. 132

(271)  E 1/2 N E. 1/4 Sec. 16. T.26.R.8. 80 
Old patent reallotted.

Mrs Jane Buchannon Ewing.  Nezhu hotch kawin kaw. 
Mrs Jane B. Ewing  age. 55  Full sister of James 
   Louis & Wm. Buchannon  
divorced from Henry Ewing.
1 child [[strikeout]] Mary[[/strikeout]] Annie 
   married to Strike Fire.  See p. 210.

(272)  S. E 1/4 Sec. 16. T. 26. R.8   160 acres.

Henukaekaw  Mary ^[[Anna]] Ewing married to Strikes fire. see below.

Starting Fire.  Pae star eheekaw.
Starting Fire.  age 30 F. dead.  M. wife Little Thunder  Casa ne rue. 
see p. 25.  No bro or sis.

(350)  N. E 1/4 N.W 1/4}
       N.W 1/4 N. E 1/4}  Sec. 32. T. 26.R.7.    
   80 acres.