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[[preprinted]] 128 [[/preprinted]]

Alexander St. Cry.

Alexander St. Cry. Age 48. Father living Michael residence
Blue Earth Co. Minn.  Mother dead. has no bros or sis living.
Alexander has br & sis as follows. Michael. (only br on 
   reservation.) John. Edward.William. Hyacynth. Valentine.
(these 5 citizen Minnehayos) Mary married to Jacob Russell. &
Julia St. Cry. in Ilinois. (both citizens.) 1/2 bro. ^ by Father 
   ^ Mozed ^ living in [[S?????]] ^ Aged. 
^ Louise Tillotson living in Minn. by ^ [[Anntree?]] Winebago 
   Woman. now living on res.Mrs John Dares.
2 1/2 sisters by Father& a 1/2 breed in Minn. Delice and 
   Elveria are living in Minn.
Married to He mi mick kaw. Ellen. citizen. F & M. dead.
Mother's sister living Cha he cha mie kaw. wife of Little 
   Chief, dead.
no children. one adopted daughter. one adopted son.
(138) S.W 1/2 Sec 2.T.25.R.6.  160

1 He nu kaw. Allina.  14
daughter of Edward St. Cry and Mary L Listter 1/2 ^ breed ^ who 
one br. John Thompson. 1 sister We hun kaw living Wis. neither 
these are citizens.
(138) S.E.1/4 N.E 1/4 Sec.13.T.26.R.8.

2 Co-mu-kaw Charles Mann.  18
Father unknown. Mother daughter of One Horn. living 
   [[strikethrough]] no uncle [[/strikethrough]] see p. 
no brs. or sis. Raised by Alex St. Cry a relative of A. St.Crys 
   former wife.
(137) W 1/2 S.E.1/4 Sec.5.T.25.R.7.

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[[preprinted]] 129 [[/preprinted]]

Edward Rave. (Tall Edward)

Edward Rave. died [[strikethrough]] April [[/strikethrough]] ^ 
   March 20^ 1887. Fa. & Mo. dead. 2 ^ ball ^ br Chas. Wing
James Rave. ^ 2 1/2 br. by . ^ White Breast ^ Jac. Crow ^ 3 
   sis. wife Man Eater. wife John Cloud ^ Hill ^ wife Big Tree.
married. dau. Asa White. [[strikethrough]] dead 
   [[/strikethrough]] living as widow.
Ne hutch ka-hae mie kaw
2 dau.   ^ married to Walter Prophet see p 176.
(121) [[strikethrough]] E 1/2 N.W 1/4 Sec.13.T.26 R.8. 
   [[/strikethrough]]   80 acres
Old patent held for heirs see below.

1 Henukaw    Mary Rave.
mo. dau. John Cloud. Holh. see p.    (dead)
(12) Lots 3 & 4 Sec.5.T.25.R.6.  70.77

2 Wehunkaw.  Emma Rave   7 yrs.
full sis. above.
(12) E 1/2 S.W.1/4 Sec.6.T. [[striketrhough]] 26 [[/strikethrough]] 25.R.6.   80 acres.