Viewing page 133 of 194

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Benjamin Chambers  ha da me hoo nu kaw       Bear.
(the white cross on breast of a bear)

Benj Chambers. Age 61. F. dead. no bro. or sis. M. dead. no bro or sis.

1 sis. wife of Jake Holston.
married to Oheo mon ne winkaw (Walking thro' the lodge)  ^[[ Age 65]] Wolf.  F. & M. dead.

2 1/2 br. ^[[ by F.]] Alonzo & Henry Mitchell. 1 sis Eli. Rasdall's wife.
no. children. 

(283) W 1/2  N.W. 1/4  Sec. 26. T. 26. R.9.}
[[strikeout]] N.W 1/4 S.W 1/4 Sec. 12. T.26 R.7[[/strikeout]]
W 1/2 N.E. 1/4 Sec 8. t.26. R.7.}               160 acres.

John Corn   Woo humpkaw.
John. Corn. Age 70.   F. dead. Mo. dead. no bro or sis. Black Deer & Chas. Henry. White breast woman. Mrs Joe Tibo.
married a sister of Jas. Alexanders' wife she dead ^[[10 yrs]] he has remained single since.

(323)  W 1/2 S.W 1/2 Sec.34. T.27. R. 8      80 acres

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Henry ^[[C]] Rice.  Char shap hoo nu ne kaw. (Little Eagle)
Hae nu kaw             Eagle.

Henry Rice  Age 70  F & M. dead  no bro no sis 
married to Henu Kaw. Chee o keehoonae winKaw, (Got into Camp)  ^[[Bear]] F & M. dead. no bro or sis  
no full bro os sis. 1 1/2 bro by M. White Bear. 
no children   wife has 5 sons by Long Tail p. 68. 

(277) S.W. 1/4 S.E. 1/4 (old patent)}
S. E. 1/4 N. E 1/4             }Sec 35. T.27. R.9. 
Lot 5 & S. E. 1/4 N. W 1/4     }                   149.27.

Transcription Notes:
I put name translations in parenthesis for clarification AW