Viewing page 135 of 194

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[[preprinted]] 160 [[/preprinted]]

Thomas Swallow' nuck.Kaw   Bear
(Sitting in the centre of the Earth)

Thomas Swallow  age. 40. F. dead. no bro. no sis. Mo. dead.
no bro or sis.
2 full bro. Ma pae'ze rae he kaw-- Neech na' pe kaw--in Wis.
(Bear digging hole for winter in a yellow bank)
(good foot step on an island.)
2 full sis. Mo ? chun winKaw. now wife of Suena Cloud.
We hun kaw in Wis.
[[strikeout]]Married to[[/strikeout]] Single. 
married see p. 161

(282)  Lots 27 & S W 1/4. N.E. 1/4 Sec. 19. T. 26. R. 9.
80 acres.

[[strikeout]] William Buchanon.  No zhinga.
Wm. Buchanon. age 42 [[/strikeout]]

Mrs King of Thunder  He mee Kae win Kaw.
Mrs King of Thunder.  Age 80.  blind.  ^[[3d dau.]] F. & M.
dead.  no aunts or uncles.  married to King of Thunder.  no
near relatives.
Her son left one dau. ^[[ Sounch ge kae zae win kaw]] who is now wife of Geo. Decora.  see p. 84

(117)  S.E. 1/4 Sec 33. T. 27. R. 7.             160 acres.

**[[overwritten Thunder portion in red:  Duplicate See p.
(115) ]]

[[end page]]
[[begin page]]

[[preprinted]] 161 [[/preprinted]]

Abel Wolf.   Wa Kon par ah Ke pas deKaw. (Thunder nails for him).     Wolf.

Abel Wolf.  age. 33.  F. dead. no. bro. sis. M. dead. no bro. no sis.
married to Henukaw.  F. in Wis. ^[[2 bros. in Wis.]] 
M. NehunKaw ^[[Elk]].  see p. 154.  
1 child

N. E. 1/4 S.E 1/4 Sec. 2. T.26.R.9 }
(274)  N. 1/2 S.E. 1/4}                         160 acres.
      N E 1/4 S.W 1/4 }  Sec. 26.T.26.R.8}

1  Sarah.   Shunks chunk cho ne win Kaw. (leader of wolf.)
                                                  2 yrs

(274)  S. E. 1/4 S. W. 1/4 Sec 26. T 26. R.8.    40 acres.

Ta car hay winkaw.
Ta car hay win kaw. age 41.  F. Henry Ewing. See p. 210.
2 children.

(282)  Lot 1 & 8. & S. E. 1/4 N.E. 1/4 Sec 19. T. 26 R.9.
                                                 80 acres.

1  Ah hoo cho win kaw  (Greenwing)  f.           12 yrs.
Father Jno Loono in Wis.
^[[bro in law Louis Buchanan.

(282)  S. E. 1/4 N. E 1/4 Sec. 32.T.26 R.7       40 

2 Conokaw.   Ewing.                               7 years
Father white.  unknown.  Goodwing (?)

(282)  S.W 1/4 N. E 1/4 Sec 32 T 26 R.7.         40 

Transcription Notes:
Translations of names in parenthesis for clarification. AW