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Penny face. Heshaskarrged jinkaw.                  Eagle.

Penny face age. 68. F. + M. dead. no bro. 1 sis Mrs Turtle.
married to. He na kae menkaw.(4th daughter) age. 56. F + M. no bro. no. sis.
2 children [[strikethrough]]dau.[[/strikethrough]]

(336) NW 1/4 Sec. 26. T. 26 R.7.                 160 acres.

1 Wa shronskawinkaw (White Feather) 
married to Isaac White                               35

2 Chump wa shunk shunk kaw.                       41 year.
{[[? lightening).

Chunpwa shunk shunk kaw.  age. 41. F. Penny face. see above
married. Henukaw  Mary Smith age 49.
no children  wife has 2 children allotted with former
stepfather Jas. Smith see. p. 168. allotted see 304. p.168.

(337) S.W 1/4 Sec. 26. T. 26. R.7.  160 acre.

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Thos. Van Buren. Nan Kaide Kaw. (Afraid).         Eagle. 

Thos. Van Buren age 35. F. + M. dead. no bro. 1 sis Big Winnebago Woman
not married.  E

(101) E 1/2 S.E 1/4 Sec. 3. +. T 25. R.6.         80 acre

Sam. Bighead   Wa ta gobigKaw
S. Bighead  50.years.  F. & M. dead.  1 sis. wife 4 Cloud in Wis.  1/2 sis. by M wife John Wright.
married. to Wo gu win Kaw.  49. year.  F. Big head. M dead.
no full bro. or sis for 1/2 sis see p.202.
No children.

(100) Lots 3 & 4 E. 1/2 S. W 1/4 Sec 30. T. 26 R. 7. 
                                              161.30 acres.

Transcription Notes:
Name translations in parenthesis for clarification. Note: It is not an insertion if there is no arrow. It is a translation of a native name.