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[[preprinted]] 232 [/preprinted]]

Mrs Old Mitchell  E coo kaw. 

Age 99. F. and M. dead. No Uncles or Aunts. No br or Sis. 
Husband dead.
3 children. by one husband.

(153) N.E.¼ Sec. 15. T.26. R.7.   160 acres.
1 Alonzo.    59.

Allotted See below

2  Henry   49
Allotted See below

3  Ac see ga honu kaw.   wife Eli Rasdell. 45
Allotted See p.

Alonzo Mitchell Mo ne da bac kaw.  (Wolf)
Age 59. F. Dead. M. Living Mrs Old Mitchell. No Uncle or Aunt.
1 br. Henry  1 Sis Wife Eli Rasdell. [[strikethrough]]  ½ br. ^[[by F.]] Geo Sun. 2 ½ sis Mr Jos[[Paza?]] Mr Autm Wolf. [/strikethrough]]^[[stet]] 1 half sis Mr Benj Oharker.
No wife.

S.W ¼ S.E.¼ Sec 10. S.W.¼ S.E.¼ Sec 8. T.26. R.7    80 acres
(338) [[strikethrough]] S.½ S.W.¼ Sec 11 T.26. R.7. [/strikethrough]]

Henry Mitchell   Ha ga nin Kaw. 
Age. 49. F. dead. M. Mrs Old Mitchell No Uncles or Aunts 1 br. Alonzo. 1 sis wife Eli Rasdell. 1 ½ sis Mrs Benj Oharker. ^[[48]]
Married Blackhawk Woman. Lac rae du sep win Kaw. F. dead. M. dead. No uncles or aunts.
No br. or sis.
No children. one grand child. White Wolf. Son. John Smith 1. see p. 173

(344) N.W.¼ S.W.¼ Sec. 11. T.26 R.9.   160 acres.
N½ & S.E¼ S.E. ½ Sec. 10. T.26. R.7.

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[[preprinted]] 233 [/preprinted]] 

James Davis.  Na he hutte Kaw    Bear.
Age. 50. F. dead. M. dead. No uncles or Aunts. 1 br. Old English.  1 sis. Ah ge ah we win Kaw.
4 children.

(370) E ½ N.W ¼ & E ¼ S.W ¼ Sec. 36. T.26. R.6.      160 acres.

1 Wa win Kaw      f 3 [[strikethrough]] 7 [/strikethrough]] 4 yrs.
Mo. dead. No Uncles or Aunts.
Married to Thos Bigbear. 

2 Mary Davis.    f 32 yrs.
Mo. dead Full sis. above.
husband dead. Little Bear.

3 Wa zhin Kaw.    Lucy   f 15 yrs.
mother nr. wife of John Lincoln.

(370) S.W.¼ S.E.¼ Sec. 25.T.26.R.6.  40 acres

4 Susan    17 yrs.
mother wife of Small Snake, see p.254.
allotted see p. 254 Lot.1. Sec 2 T.26. r.6.     41 12

Mrs Mary Davis. He nu kae kaw.
Age. 32. F. Jas. Davis. see above. M. dead. 3 sisters see above.
Husband dead. Little bear. F Old Snowball. see p.85. one child.

(371) S.½ N.E.¼ } Sec. 25. T.26. R.6.
     N ½ S.E.¼  }     160 acres

1 He nu kaw  Maria   6 yrs.

(371) S.E ¼ S.E ¼ Sec. 25. T.26. R.6.  40 acres.

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Transcription Notes:
Needs proofreading. AW (done)