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[preprinted: 204]
Mrs Geo. Tebo. Sinahkepamikaw ^[all come together ?] Spirit

Ms Geo. Tebo. age 48. F & M. dead no br or sis married to Geo. Tebo citizen Bros. Frank on res Louis in Wis

1 child - son of F. Tebo's son who is dead. afterward widow married her husband's uncle.

[red ink](106) Lots 3,4,5,& 6. Sec. 25.T.26.7. | 160 |00 [/red ink]

1 Frank Tebo Jr. Connokaw Father dead son of F. Tebo. | 14 years.

[red ink](106) N.E.1/4 N.W.1/4 Sec.25.T.26.R.7. | 40 acre.[/red ink]
[end page]

[start page]
[preprinted: 205]
James Ox. Chaezhaekeekaw.
James Ox age 60. F. & M. dead. No. br. or sis. married [Ocseeahkaw?] age. 54. F. & M. dead. no bro or sis. Cousin Bar Thunder. 4 children. all by present wife.

[red ink](122) S.E.1/4 Sec. 3.T.26.R.7 | 160 acres. [/red ink]

2 Nahaekaw. Lewis | 22 yrs.

[red ink](122) E 1/2 S.W. 1/4 Sec 3. T.26 R.7. | 80 acres

dead | 6 yrs. dead.

[red ink](122) S.W. 1/4 S.W. 1/4 Sec 3. T.26 R.7 | 40 acres.[/red ink]

3 Ocseeahkaw Dessic. | 10 yrs.

[5?] Naheconeemikaw John D. Atkins. | 1 yrs.

[red ink] (122) N.W. 1/2 S.W. 1/4 Sec. 3 T.26. R.7 | 40 ac[/red ink]

1 Hennkaw married to Frank Lewis. | 26 yrs

[red ink] Allotted p. 60. (123) [/red ink]