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James Rice Hill  Hae nuckaw
J.R. Hill. Age. 30. F. Henry Rice Hill. See.p.
married to Heen chowin kaw ^[[23]] Green Hair woman
F. dead & m d. F. bro. Abel Wolf. No bro or sis.
1 child.

(176) W 1/2 N.W 1/4 Sec. 25.} T.26. R.8.     160 acres.
E 1/2 NE 1/2 Sec. 26.}

1 Charles Rice Hill   Conukaw.     4 yrs.

(176.) S.E 1/4 N.W. 1/4 Sec 25. T.26. R.8.     40 acres.

Big Winnebago  Ho chuck hutte kaw.
Big Winnebago age. 55. F. & M. dead. 1 full bro.
Joe Prophet. 1/2 bro by F. Young Prophet. 1 1/2 sis by F. 
wife Grey Wolf.
Married to White Stocking. See ra ska kaw. age. 50. 
F. ^[[in Wis]] & M. dead. 1 bro in Wis. 
Big Winnebago has a dau. by Santee wife living
with Santees.  White Stocking one son Lake Hora.

(175) Lot. ^[[ 1 &2]] 7 & 8. 
S. 1/2 N.E. 1/4 Sec. 24. T. 26 R.8.                   160.
[[end page]]
[[start page]]


[[strikethrough]] Sarah Harrison.
Sarah Harrison age.  F. dead M.  Mary Harrison.
1 bro. John Harrison.  lives with John Greyhair. by whom. she has one child. Conokaw.
Enrolled alloted with his father See. p. 203. allotted. p. 203. (221.[[/strikethrough]]

Charles Decora. Maza kaw.  (Black smith).
Chas. D. age. 45.  F. dead. M. dead.  Chas. Henry's wife sis of M.  No bro or sis.
Married to ^[[ Gee Nae we na zhe win kaw]]
[[strikethrough]]Ea[[/strikethrough]] Maria Molers. dau. Black fish.
1 son.

(109) N.W 1/4 Sec. 12. T. 26 R.5.               160 acres.

1 Charles Jr. Conokaw.                           12 years.
M. dead dau of Henry French Sr.

(109) N.E. 1/4 N.E. 1/4 Sec 11 T.26 R.5          40 acre.

Transcription Notes:
All plot descriptions were in red ink in the original journal. Name translations in parenthesis for clarification.