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Nez Perce Agency Idaho June 11, 1889.

Hon. Commr. of Ind. Affairs:


Yesterday I telegraphed for the field notes of the original survey of the boundary of the Nez Perce reservation according to the treaty of 1863.  I did so as it is important to receive them with the utmost speed.

The facts concerning the boundary of this reservation seem to be as follows:  With the settling up of the country county surveyors have run lines which should strike the line of the reservation. This line not being easily found at all points, these surveyors have established their own corners, frequently using the needle which is of little service in this country, the solar instrument being the only trustworthy indicator. The result is a zigzag line, and two or three sets of corners. Upon the north there are at least two sets of blazed lines, and upon the East and south, and west the lines have been moved, so as to throw some of the Indians who have lived for years on their claim outside the reservation, and in one instance the line has been moved in 28 rods for a distance of two miles taking from the Indians a valuable spring. Two years or more ago there