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June 20, 1889.

Hon Commr. Indian Affairs:

I have the honor to report that the Surveyor Mr Edison Briggs has made a tour along the western end of the north boundary of the reservation, and has found that settlers have more or less encroached upon the reservation. This has been brought about by inaccurate county surveys, and the obliteration of the mounds and monuments fixing the the line of the reservation, which is not straight, but angling. He also reports about 15,000 acres of good agricultural land lying in the township north of the Clearwater river This land lies in townships which are but partially surveyed; viz: fractional township 37 N. R.4. W. and Township 36. N. R.4. W. There is also about 3000 acres of good land in the unsurveyed fractional township 33 N. Range 4. W.

These townships will be more or less allotted. I have already started out groups of Indians who will make selection there.

There are other townships west of the Agency which are partly surveyed, where allotments will be made. I can not give them because I have not yet been able to go over the land for lack of transportation which I hope to have in a few days.

I would respectfully request that Mr Edison Briggs the Surveyor, be authorised to make

Transcription Notes:
His name is actually Edson D. Briggs.