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Nez Perce Agency Idaho
June 25 1889.

My dear Capt. Pratt,
Ever since I have been here I have wanted to write you but I found myself plunged into such a strange state of affairs that I have had little opportunity. I now write you in confidence feeling that some trusty man, someone acquainted with Indians and Indian affairs, and someone who can gain the ear of the President & Secy not to mention the Commr. should know the truth, and also the possible danger that may lie in the future.

This Agency has been the scene of a bitter squabbling among the employees for the past 8 years. The Indians have looked on caring little including their own affairs & leaving the white men & women to their fights which have been dragged into the court at Lewiston. All this history has nothing to do with the present trouble which is with the Indians and the newly appointed Agt. who intends  to take charge July 1. he is Charles E. Monteith.  Mr Monteith first came upon this Agency about 1871. He acted as clerk to his brother John Monteith who served his terms as Agt. from 1871 to 1879 — I think. He married the daughter of the Agency Interpreter and an old employee — Whitman by name, a nephew of Dr. Marcus Whitman who was killed by the Inds in 1847 or 8, but who being at the Dalles escaped. The Whitman family have been employed here in some capacity or other for many years, and the Monteiths have been since 1871. John died, and Newall became Agt. Newall was succeeded in 1881 by Chas. E. Monteith who went out under the last Administration & was if I remember rightly the first Agt confirmed under the present administration. He lives in Lewiston Idaho. He is backed, though by Dr. Elliwood

Transcription Notes:
The 'Marcus Whitman massacre' is a famous incident