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Department of the Interior,
Office of Indian Affairs,

Refer in reply to the following: [[blank line]]

^[[Nez Perce Agency. Idaho]]
[[strikethrough]] Washington, [[/strikethrough]] ^[[June 15]], 188[[9]]

Rev. Dr. J. Lowrie
Sec'y. Presbyterian Board Foreign Missions

Dear Sir: 

Near the date of 1848 Mr Spalding took up a tract of 640 acres on the Lapwai Creek, Idaho. for Mission purposes.  Since that time this claim seems to have come into the possession of Judge Langford of Washington Terr'y.  Will you please send me all the information contained in your office concerning this land.  Under what law did Mr. Spalding take the claim.  For what purpose.  What title was acquired, by what authority, and in whom was it vested.  How did Judge Langford come into possession. 

The Land covered by this claim is occupied by Nez Perce Indians who are farming it in good faith.  The church built by the Indian's money also stands upon it.