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Nez Perce Agency, Idaho. June 15, 1889.

Hon. Commr Indian Affairs.

I have the honor to report that I am still at the Agency. I have held an all day council with the Indians, explaining the Severalty Act to them, and listening to their objections and seeking to remove them. The principal difficulty is the lack of faith in the promises of the Government; this renders any assertion as to the law, subject to a heavy discount of belief.

I have agreed to endeavor to establish the old boundaries according to the treaty of 1863, and the Surveyor started on that work last Tuesday. Now that I have found the field notes, their presence not being known to any one now in the office before your telegram reached me, the work can be prosicuted successfully. I hope soon to be able to make a report as to what new surveys must be made in order to allot the best lands. The establishing of the correct boundaries will allay much trouble in the minds of the Indians.

I am preparing to move into camp as soon as I receive my transportation.

[[signature]] Alice C Fletcher [[/signature]]
Special Ind. Agt.