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the white man has none, or the right to land considered by some people quite a twisted question, but I fancy the average Idahoan does not bother his head about agrarian theories.

I could tell you many other [[illegible section]] grabbing ... but I will forbear ... [[illegible section]] I prefer however to again bear testament to the advantage which an education off of the reservation grants the Indian man and woman. The difference between the young people of the same age and same apparent ability who have had this different training has been marked in my experience here, where the people were wholly unprepared for my advent, and could not believe that I had been set to allot them, they never having asked for allotment. I read and explained the law, but the returned students took the law read for themselves, assured the people it was true, and recounted how they had heard of it & read of it while at school. They were and they are a great help to their people to the work of allotment

Six are in my employ as assistants to the Surveyor & may [[?]] [[?]] [[?]].