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In the Field Nez Perce
Sept. 17    9

Surveyor General, Idaho Ter'ty.

Your letter of September 9th reached me yesterday. I thank you for the prompt consideration of the questions presented and the modifications of the first instructions sent to Deputy Surveyor Briggs.

It seems necessary to call your attention again to the question No 14 in my letter of August 19th, as you do not seem to have quite understood the difficulty therein presented.

The fact in the field is, that in Township 33. N. Range 4 East several sections were surveyed on the north and west line, covering the north west corner of the Township, and these sections were run out without any reference to a future full survey of the Township, as this was the place where any errors in running the lines can legally be thrown. The North sections and the West sections being thus established, my question was where shall the errors, if any be found, be thrown.