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them on my Sworn Report of Employees in my Quarterly Accounts. I now see my error. I should have reported these men on my June report of Irregular Employees and have carried them on my Sworn Report of Employees in my Quarterly Account, but I yet fail to see how I could have paid them in the regular Receipt Roll.

In view of the circumstances and as I have no more blanks with me in the field, I would respectfully ask your approval of the following ^[[Irregular]] Employees for June 1889.

Jack Allen. | June 7. 1889 | one day @ $1. | $ 1.00
Jacob Powell | [[ditto marks for June 7. 1889 | one day @ $1. | 1.00
Henry Powell | June 13 & 14. |two days @ $1.50 | 3.00
George Evans | June 14. 15. |two days @ $1.50 | 3.00
John Starkey | [[ditto marks for June]] 22. | 2 3/4 days @ $1.50 | [[underlined]]4.00[[/underlined]]
 |  | Total | 12.00                                      

As soon as I reach the Agency and can get a blank, I'll make out a Sworn Report of these Employees and submit it to you.

I cannot find ^[[some of]] these men to have their signatures, they may not be in the country [[?]] I would therefore ask if the sub vouchers signed