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[[underlined]] 8 [[/underlined]]

Owing to the severe drought, and the denudation of the reservation by thousands of cattle, I was obliged to feed hay in July, and to transport from camp to camp, & from my depot of supplies at Kamiah every pound of food eaten by my horses during July August, September and a  part of October, which added much to the labor and expense of the allotment. August, September and October were spent in camping at different points in the South Eastern part of the reservation, keeping as near as possible to the Surveyor so that no time should be lost by his going over the same ground twice. As he ran out the sections, I sought to have the Indians who wished to take the land present that they might know their corners.

In my various reports transmitted from the field, I have set forth the progress and the difficulties of the work. These latter were twofold, the country was so broken up by canyons that it was frequently a five