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may do so, in order to see Mr Small & talk with him, or it may be best for me to go home first, & see you & help you & then go & see Mr Small, taking back the [[underlined]] Ms [[/underlined]].  That will cost something but it may be best, much will depend on Mr Small's answer to my letter.

I recognize the need of your study of certain things, & one must manage it some way. You need to study composition [[insert]] rhetoric, language, [[/insert]] etc, so that you can judge of certain points. You have gifts, & they must not be lost or hurt for the want of effort to acquire the needed knowledge. You have not entered literature in the low grade of the mass of writers, but have struck at the higher walks, & only study and effort will hold you there where you belong by your own better nature, & where you can maintain yourself if you will. You know dear, I shall do all I can to help you. I want you to be only with the best & it hurts me to have you even for a moment not [[?]] [[with?]] very highest ideals.

I've been quite ill, am some better.  I fear it is very warm in Wash. Greet R. [[Soon?]], dear Francis, yours affly, M.