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Leyland Line
[[image - red flag on a pole]]
^[[July 22]] 190^[[0.]]

My opal ring is a great comfort. I enjoy it & all it stands for and try not to be homesick.

My dear Francis,
All the way across the ocean for we shall D.V. see land tonight you have been in my thoughts and in my prayers.  It was more of a parting than we have every had before, for it seems as tho. we had come to a parting of the ways, you to enter a field where I shall not be with you constantly and I to return to a home where the one for whom I have so long made a home has gone.  I feel at times very lonely thinking that you will not be there to welcome me on my return.  I do not speak of this with any selfish regret, for I am glad for the honor and for the new work that has come to you, work in which I want you to achieve much credit, and to find in it a new delight and a relief from the drudgery of the office life.  I solace myself with the thought and that I have lived to see the change that has come to you, so in a way I can forecast your future after I am gone from this life.  I look forward with pleasure to the help I hope to give you in preparing your notes for publication.  So we shall still work together while I live, as we have done for so many, many years.