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Leyland Line.
[[image - solid red flag on flagpole]]
^[[Fair Orchard, Congressbury Somerset England.
July 3d]] 19^[[00]]

I cant [[resend?]] [[?]] [[?]]

My dear Francis
Your letter of July 2d came this morning and fills me with pleasure & with distress - pleasure because it begins to look as tho. you would really get 
your detail settled very soon. distress - because all my letters are waiting for you at Walkhill.  I do not dare write to Washington for you may be gone long before the letter can reach you. and I dare not mail this check until I am sure it will reach you safely.

And that reminds me to tell you that as soon as you reach Walkhill you must give me your Oklahoma address.  It will

Transcription Notes:
I don't think it is Nob Hill after all.