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land is their capital & there is no better investment of capital than they can make by working their land. they will get better interest. and with their interest, the money derived from their crops, urge them to lay something by each year, and each year to improve their fences, houses, barns, stock etc. & so make their farms worth more & bring in more.  Encourage them to take some good illustrated paper. There are such on farming which will be good reading for the men & women in their homes.  Earnestly do I desire that the Omaha should prosper.  Yesterday I went to a flower & vegetable show in the village here. it was interesting to see the people. a village band was playing & in the evening there was to be a dance. in a tent.  Some such thing would be nice for the Omaha.  Walkhill is a growing town where the Indians are well received & such shows would be helpful & pleasant to everybody. whites & Indians. I've written my papers for the Brisich Ass. & next week my round of visits begin.  I speak Sept. 5. Write me often- I've no letters yet from Dora.  My love to