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tomorrow I am to read my paper on Archaeological Activities in America, and on Tuesday my second paper on "A side-light on Exogamy"- That is based upon [[our?]] book the concise ideas fundamental to the tribal organization.

I have been to one garden party, not to any receptions as I am alone & it's awkward for me to be out in the evening.
Yesterday I went on one of the excursions- we left- at 9 A.M.  Prof & Mrs Myers, Mr Haddon & I in one carriage- 200 went, all in small parties - but the string of carriages kept together.  It was a beautiful day (for England) we drove thru the highly cultivated landscape, to Blakewell Village where at Rutland 
Arms we had lunch.  Then we went to the old church built in
1200 & something, saw some queer old tombs of the Vernon family.