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for dinner.  Every gentleman in Evening dress.  I have a note for Mrs. Haddon of Cambridge asking me to come to them about the
20th of October.  I will write I will go on the 21. & stay until
Monday the 24, then I shall spend a week in London, visit Mrs.
[[?]] - Merreco & Miss Burne - go to Canterbury - I may go over
to Germany for a little music & may not.  I think as matters now
stand I will see what I can do about sailing in November.  The 
cholera is bad in Italy & I can run no risks of sickness.  On
Thursday I have to go to Bristol to try on my gown and I shall then go to Cooks' & learn about steamers.

It looks as tho. I am going to be shut out from Italy until Winter.  I am sorry but I cannot help it.  It would be wrong to
risk health.  Do you think so? -