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[[image - engraved drawing of Indian with headdress, bow, and quiver, standing by a large shield with an anchor]]
Narragansett Hotel
Providence, R.I.

Friday A.M
Dec. 30. 1910

My dear Francis

The meetings have been very interesting. Another business part full of fight & excitement. but now, [[?]] had their say. all are more or less quick. The final meeting comes off this P.M. & I hope that [[wallin?]] will get on all right.

I've had a little pleasure & met some delightful and dear friends. Interesting I had lunch, a dinner really, with Mrs Harris. Mrs H. is sister to Miss Eddy who sent me etc. pretty photograph. of the Madonna. And ^[[who is]] married to a brother of the late Dr. Harris. Miss Harris took lunch with us. Then later I called on