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[[image - engraved drawing of Indian with headdress, bow, and quiver, standing by a large shield with an anchor]]
Narragansett Hotel
Providence, R.I.


Miss Putnam has been with me here. And it has been very pleasant to have her. I saw Mr. Willoughby & Ron Dixon yesterday [[insert]] at the Folk Lore Socy [[/insert]] all very pleasant. [[Ian?]] [[Radrin?]] read his paper on the "Winter Feast" of the Winnebago. I don't quite follow him nor am I sure he is on the right track. Still [[insert]] while [[/insert]] I do not know of any such feast there may be one. I am inclined to think it [[insert]] belongs[[/insert]] to a Society rather than [[insert]] to be [[/insert]] a tribal matter. It is a pity to make mistakes if he has made one. Still time will tell.

The great racket about Dr. [[Hewett?]] stealing from [[Spindar?]] has been up privately. Dr. [[Tozyu?]] came & spent 2 hours with me & talked & talked. I told him that he presented his [[imputing?]] of motive for facts. He was very unfair