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she sent me a black velvet bag- 

Don't forget to write Mrs Horcy thanks for the calendar.

I had several calendars, & one from some one I cannot tell who, no card, no address & I can't make out the post mark.

I remailed ^ [last evening] a letter I found here for you, it went in last night's mail. I enclose a letter which came this morning, as I note it has an English Stamp & I do not know if I can forward it. I also send another letter which came in the morning mail.

The Election at the Institute passed off quietly. The opposition found themselves "snowed under" so there is peace for this year.  Be very careful, for the paper says there is very cold weather west in Oklahoma.

I shall try & get in touch with Mr. Gurley this week.


Every Affly
[[signature]] M. [[/signature]]