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Home, Jany 4, 1911

My dear Francis
Your letter of Jany 1 has come and I am astonished & pained that you are troubled and that you are beset by a phantom for it is nothing else, my dear Francis.

I did not cut my visit short in England, for any one. When I found I could not go to Italy & Greece & that Mrs C. would be here I came home. Your coming home was a delightful surprise. Unfortunately the meeting of the Institute took me to Providence  I begged you to stay and be here when I returned for then I could see you. It was hard to come home a second time & not see you. You said the old man could not stay & you did not like to insist, so I believe you, & you left on Thursday. 

As for planning for next Summer, that has nothing to do with what you think. The gentleman may be married by