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Home Jany 12, 1911 My dear Francis Your letter of the 9th has just come — I am very sorry about your arm. I shall see Dr. Curtis & ask him about it. I wonder if rubbing would not do it good? Were you here I should be tempted to have you try a man Miss Westcott has found very helpful, but you are not here to my regret. I am so glad to hear of your work. You are doing finely. Yes it is very very hard to disentangle such an intricate matter as you have hold of. I aim to see Mr. Gurley again tomorrow and I shall suggest to him that we omit all we had put in our book from Bacon Rind. You remember, the list of songs he had you write out, you read them to S.C & he said they were not all right. I think it would be well for us to omit them. Mr. Gurley is to ask Mr. Hodge if in their
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https://books.google.com/books?id=LusCaIOmsNEC&pg=PA24&dq=francis+la+flesche+and+Bacon&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwia8t2uwsDeAhVE_4MKHdSpDvwQ6AEINjAC#v=onepage&q=francis%20la%20flesche%20and%20Bacon&f=false Bacon Rind is the name of a chief