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Tribal Organization
Tribal Government.

Because it became necessary to cut up the [[underlined]] Ms [[underlined]] and add & change it confusion has come about. I note repetition that I must fix. I've been working steadily all day & my eyes are so tired I must stop. I shall [[strikethrough]] write a line [[strikethrough]] [[insertion]] telephone tomorrow [[/insertion]] to Mr. Gurley & ask him to come Sunday for I am not sure I have filled in all right. It has been difficult. I have had to count letters & spaces. Lines vary from 65,67,68, letters & spaces. As as  [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] the proof [[/insertion]] is now paged I have to count & write so as to just fit which causes much labor.

For this reason dear I must stop as my eyes are inflamed I've worked so hard the past 4 or 5 days.

Let me hear - I was so glad of your letter.
Good night - I wish you were here.

Ever affly
[[signature]] M. [[/signature]]

I'll send you the note I've put in about your work on Osage