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Home Tuesday A.M. Jany 17.1911 My dear Francis. Mr Gurley has just left. I mentioned to him the matter of the graphophone, as I had just rec'd your letter of the 14th He said he would speak to Mr. Hodge about it. Mr. Gurley & I went over the proof, and I think the muddle can be straightened out. You have the page proof. I have made all the corrections & there was a number, but I did not touch the names. Mr. Gurley will see that they are all alphabetically arranged, and I made the changes you suggested about Shonge & Wajepa. I think now that all will go straight. The diagram of the tribal circle will be put where it belongs, and where it will have some sense it is all wrong now. Mr. Gurley said what I had done to fill in where "dreams & omens" are [[strikethrough]] said [[/strikethrough]] which must come out is all right. So now I hope