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of the Osage tribe has been authorized and is now in progress by Mr. Francis La Flesche, the results of which will throw additional light on the relationship of the group of cognate tribes."

Section [[strikethrough]]II[[/strikethrough]]I is "Location: Linguistic Relationships"  This section contains what we give of the 5 cognates, gentes, names etc.

Thanks for Mr. Cadman's letter. I think I understand it. He probably does not know the exact facts about himself. His friends saw his danger & that if he was taken right away when he could rest, be under treatment, he could probably be saved, so Mr. Hopes & others got up the testimonial. The response was generous, $2000. and the wisdom of sending him off is being proved. That he rallied in Pittsburgh, was hopeful, but I can see that it was difficult to explain the ups & downs to a public which had given its money under the idea of a "down" rather than an "up". so he started off unknown as better. Hopefulness is a characteristic of Consumption, and that he had a touch of