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I expect to be able to copy out for you so that you can avail yourself of all your observations & notes. My dear Francis it was very thoughtful & kind of you to send me your check but I would rather you kept it in the bank. I am doing what I can to keep within bounds, cutting expenses, so that you shall be free from any care of me financially If I should get in a tight place I'll come to you for help. The Homestake have declared & as soon as its div. is paid I will deposit yours. Must you send on the new Waxobe to be opened here? Ought you not to see what is in it? I want to see it myself & if you send it on I shall not have a chance. I'm glad Mr. H. is helping you. I must now go to writing in the language, so goodbye for the present. Take good care of yourself — Ever Affly [[signature]] M. [[/signature]]