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I have deposited your checks, and asked for your balance, whcih was given as $968.65/100. Of course this did not include today's deposit of $125.00/100, which will bring it up to $1093.65/100. As I wrote you in a few days I shall deposit your div. of $60. which will raise it to $1153.65/100 The conference at the Bureau was to try & see if the Bureau of Eth. could co-operate with the Indian Bureau in securing a complete & scientific registry of the tribes, so that property rights can be made secure. The effort will be made. Of course Congress will have to provide the money to pay those who will do this work. The men will be under the direction of the Bureau of Eth. It may succeed. It is as warm as Spring. I feel very anxious about you, on account of the water where you are. Earnestly do I hope rain or snow will come. Very little of either has fallen here. Be very careful. Ever affly [[signature]] M. [[/signature]]